Saturday, September 6, 2008

Around The World

As long as I can remember myself I dreamed of traveling the world. It all started 16 years ago when I took a small bag full of clothes and not much else and crossed the Atlantic for the first time. An opportunity to explore a land unknown was too much to resist. The sense of invincibility that only 19-years old who never been on her own before helped to make the first step of what turned out to be a life-long journey.

Today I am successful 35-years old woman living in Canada, who still dreams of lands far away. That travel itch never really gone away. Prior to making my permanent home here in Ontario, I lived in BC, Manitoba, Australia, and Russia. I spent time in the States, Mexico, Cuba, Thailand, France, England, Egypt, and Poland. That is in addition to multiple stop-overs in different parts of the world. But I dream of more - a trip around the world. A trip that will take me on 1-year journey across all continents, will introduce me to the new cultures, will bring me together with people of different nations.

I am beginning this blog as I am starting planning the trip of my life. Hopefully I can make it entertaining enough for you so that we can share this experience and, who knows, maybe we can meet one day somewhere, be it in Sahara desert or in mountains of South America. But firstly, I would need to research and decide where and for how long I want to go. And secondly, I need to figure out how I am going to make it happen.

So, welcome to the ATW's journey around the world.

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