Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Original Wonders of the World

As I was flipping through the guide that I've picked up, I came across the lists of the wonders of the world.

According to the guide there are 7 Wonders of the Ancient World (AKA the Original 7 Wonders of the World) of which only Pyramids of Giza are still standing. I have been to Egypt in the past and enjoyed it tremendously. However, I must admit that the Red Sea and not the pyramids was the reason for my return to Egypt for the second time. The thing I missed the least is constant harassment of tourists, especially female tourists. Go figure, eh? I remember my friend being forced up on a camel for 5$. She had to pay another 30$ in order for this pretty, dressed up beast to kneel over to let her off his back. Something to remember, which makes it a great trip! Apparently though this had been changing recently with security peaking up at the ancient historical site. But the Red Sea with it's untouched coral reefs and thousands of species of fishes and marine life worth every grey hair that you may get while avoiding the thousands of tourists traps in this country.

As for the rest of the Seven Ancient Wonders list, none of the them are with us any longer:

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - as much as I would love to visit the archaeological site of the legendary gardens, I really don't think it is a good idea right now, as it is about 90k from Baghdad... I think I have an excuse not to go... but I do like the idea that this wonder was imagined and constructed out of love for a woman... ahhhh... romantic...

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia - who knows what happened to it, no one really sure...

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus - is no longer with us, but I am definitely going to Greece, if not for the temple but for food and wine!

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus - currently Turkey, another country that I'd like to visit, but more about it later.

The Colossus of Rhodes - apparently a giant statue that once stood at the entrance to the harbour... Sounds familiar? I guess I would have to see NY instead in order to get an idea...

The Lighthouse of Alexandria - there is a talk of a possibility of the restoration of this one, but no real plans apparently... Who knows by the time I am on the road maybe there will be a reason to stop by in Egypt one more time.

So, thus far on my list: Greece, Turkey, and New York.


Liana said...

I think Angkor Wat in Cambodia is on the "new" list of world wonders. Definitely worth a stop on your round the world trip. I'm envious!

Liana said...

Just wanted to add I came via Dr. Couz's blog