Monday, September 8, 2008

Great Migrations

Is there anything more fascinating than nature? From the depths of the cellular proteinomics to the movement of the Universe everything has its own law, its own natural progression and yet it is in harmony with everything else.

Every year thousands of animals follow unknown to us instincts, leave the places of comfort, and carry on their migration. From the salmon of the Pacific, to the Monarch butterflies of Mexico, to the wild beasts of Tanzania. They do it in a hope that they will survive, not necessarily each of them individually, but as a community, as a brotherhood. Anyone who seen the salmon moving up the Fraser river knows that many of them will die. However, the incredible message is still that of life, even if being eaten by a crocodile is the eventual fate of the beast.

The best time to experience migration of Monarch butterflies is fall. The best spot - MEXICO! Elegantly hundreds of thousands of this fascinating insects gather together and make a beautiful living carpet as they make their way South. Here is a website to read more about the event and the details on when and where to go - My plan is to get to Mexico in early October, spend a week on a beach somewhere (the best beach destinations guide is coming up in future posts) and then head on inland to experience this amazing migration.

Another relocation event not to be missed in your lifetime is the Great Migration in Tanzania. You can get a closer look at the animals from a comfort of a 4x4 track or take a ride on an air balloon. While in Tanzania, you may decide to climb Mount Kilimanjaro... which I intend to do, but I think Tanzania deserves it's own post.

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