Saturday, September 6, 2008

A culinary adventure of a yoga Goddess for the health of all the monkeys of the world

Step number one was a stop at Chapters, where I picked up a book... you guessed it, a travel guide. More specifically - "First Time Around the World". Well suited for my goal, don't you think? Step number two, a decision on a theme for my trip. That is right, it is going to be a theme trip. I decided that I am going to make it an incredible experience for me. I will be flying solo and so I may as well do things that I like to do wherever and whenever I choose to. I figure the best way to go about this is to make a list of my hobbies. Then I will be able to see and choose where in the world is the best place to do it. Easy. This blog, however, is not going to be about me, but rather about the places and the ways of getting there. And later, once my trip begins, it will become a journal of the actual expereinces.

I am lucky in the way because I do have hobbies other than traveling (which is included). I love making fabulous dinners and sharing it with friends. I like doing yoga at the sunset. I am fascinated by animals, and more specifically by monkeys... Don't ask why, it is a long long story. I may share it one day. There is one more thing that is a big part of my life - medicine. So I guess the theme for the trip is "A culinary adventure of a yoga Goddess for the health of all the monkeys of the world".

The most amazing places for my theme are coming up in the future post.

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